Monday 18 October 2010

Dinner At Home (1) 在家的晚餐 (1)

咸蛋鸡 salted egg fried chicken
葱炒蛋 spring onion omelet egg
炒菜心 fried vege

蒸鳕鱼 steam cod fish

我的孩子刚刚考完试, 妈妈也轻松得有心情下厨了。 今晚就在家煮几道菜在家吃个轻松的晚餐。
咸蛋鸡, 这食谱是在 Y3K里学的。

3 支鸡腿(切成5或6 块)
3 粒咸蛋黄(蒸熟后压碎)
10 片加哩叶
5 颗小辣椒(拍扁)
5 瓣蒜头(切碎)
2 杯油(炸鸡用)
2 大匙油

2 大匙酱油
1 大匙蚝油
1 大匙薯粉

1.) 用腌料腌切小块了的鸡腿一小时。
2.) 烧热镬加入油,把(1)炸至熟后把鸡肉捞起。
3.)洗清洁镬后倒入2大匙的油加入蒜头,大葱,加哩叶,小辣椒炒至香后加入咸蛋碎炒香 。
4.) 加入炸好的鸡肉入镬炒至均匀即可上碟。

salted egg chicken
3 pcs chicken drumstick (cut to 5 or 6 pieces)
3 salted egg yolk (steam till cooked and mashed it)
10 pieces curry leaf
5 chili padi / small chili (smashed it)
1 onion (cut thin slices)
5 garlic (chopped)
2 cups cooking oil (use for frying chicken )
2 tbsp cooking oil

seasoning :
2 tbsp soya sauce
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1tsp pepper powder
1tbsp tapioca flour

method :
1.)season the chicken with seasoning at lease 1 hour .
2.)heat up the wok then add in 2 cups of oil and fry (1) till cook. drain it and clean the wok.
3.) heat the wok and add in 2 tbsp cooking oil to the wok then add in garlic,onion , curry leaf, chili fry till aromatic.
4.) add in the mashed steamed salted egg yolk and chicken (2) fry till well mix and aromatic will do.

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