Thursday, 20 August 2009

Sushi 寿司

No good in rolling sushi so this sushi does not have good presentation. Need more practice.


to 我的厨房笔记.


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

me too, I dont really know how to rolling sushi..anyway, good try...

ann low said...


A Full-Timed Housefly said...

I love Japanese sushi and so are my kids , you've reminded me to make some soon. Your sushi looks decent enough... good try keep it up !

HS Kitchen And Hobby said...

Sonia, 我们一起来加油吧.
Anncoo, 对呀。我们在卷到满头大汗, 小的就在那吃到整口满满。 …^_^
A Full-TimedHousefly,
Thanks. My elder son love sushi very much but younger son only takes the other ingredients does not like the sushi rice so everytime mummy have to help him finish the sushi rice. he he。。。

Rachel Hei said...

我还没正式做过寿司, 其中一个原因也是觉得很难卷。。嘻嘻!!

HS Kitchen And Hobby said...

Rachel,我们一起加油吧! 对呀,最重要是小孩喜欢吃,做妈妈的就开心了。