Wednesday 15 July 2009

Steam Garlic Fish 蒜头蒸鱼

This is the look after steam . This is a very simple dish but taste not bad. You just need fish, chopped garlic, 1tbsp light soya sauce and 1/2 tsp fish sauce (optional).
这是蒸熟了的照片。这是一道简单的菜肴可是味道还不错。只需要鱼肉一块,剁碎了的蒜头一些, 1大匙酱油,1小匙鱼露(随意)即可。
mixed well the chopped garlic, light soya sauce and fish sauce. Spread even on the fish, let your steamer boiled then put in the fish steam for 8 minutes will do. (depends on how big is your fish. if a piece like the photo, I use 8 minutes to steam)
把剁碎了的蒜头,酱油,鱼露搅匀, 放在鱼上。把高架水上后烧滚一镬水, 把鱼放在高架上加盖蒸8 分钟就可以吃了。(我用了8 分钟蒸这小块鱼, 如果鱼大块就要久一点的时间)。

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